Guide to Camping in Uwharrie National Forest

Introducing Uwharrie National Forest, a hidden gem waiting to be discovered in North Carolina! Although it may be the smallest national forest in the state, Uwharrie boasts breathtaking scenery and a plethora of exciting recreational activities that should not be overlooked.

Are you planning a trip? Here’s everything you need to know about camping in Uwharrie National Forest!

Uwharrie National Forest Camping

What Awaits You in Uwharrie National Forest

To collect firewood from the forest, you will need a permit. However, please note that you are not permitted to personally cut down any trees. Only fallen trees can be used for firewood.

If you are traveling from another state, remember that you must purchase firewood locally. Bringing firewood from outside North Carolina to burn in Uwharrie National Forest is strictly prohibited.

Camping in Uwharrie National Forest

Key Considerations Before Booking

Before embarking on a camping adventure in Uwharrie National Forest, make sure you obtain the necessary permits for your desired activities. We will discuss these permits in detail later.

Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of the fire danger present in the forest before setting up camp. Ensure you are well-prepared to handle a fire emergency.

If possible, obtain a map of your chosen camping area and develop an evacuation plan with your family, just in case.

Optimal Seasons to Explore

Mid-autumn is undeniably the best time to experience camping in Uwharrie National Forest. The entire forest enchants with a burst of vibrant fall colors that must not be missed.

North Carolina autumns generally offer pleasant weather, with slightly chilly nights that can be easily managed by packing extra blankets. While rain is not particularly common during this season, it’s always wise to bring along some rain gear as a precaution.

Late spring and early summer are also favorable periods to visit, though you will miss out on the mesmerizing fall foliage. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid the winter season, as it tends to bring wetter and colder weather conditions, which may dampen your Uwharrie camping experience.

Premier RV Camping Spots

For RV enthusiasts, Arrowhead Campground stands as the ultimate destination within Uwharrie National Forest. This campground offers a convenient dump station and electric hookup options. Moreover, it is considered an accessible campground, catering to campers with disabilities.

Excellent Group Camping Locations

If you’re seeking group camping facilities, look no further than Badin Lake Group Camp in Uwharrie National Forest. With three spacious sites, this campsite can accommodate up to 50 people. Amenities include a bathhouse with showers, as well as flush and vault toilets.

Prime Spots for Remote Camping

For those yearning for a true wilderness experience, Uwharrie National Forest permits dispersed camping in any location that is not part of a developed campground or wildlife area. Embrace the freedom of remote camping within this stunning forest!

Exciting Activities to Explore

Embark on Hiking Adventures

Don’t miss the opportunity to conquer the renowned Appalachian Trail, which passes through Uwharrie National Forest! If this trail is on your hiking bucket list (and it absolutely should be), seize this chance to check it off.

uwharrie national forest camping

Horseback Riding

Although horses are not permitted on the Appalachian Trail, there are numerous other pathways that lend themselves perfectly to an exhilarating horseback riding experience!

Should you desire to bring your trusty steed along for a camping adventure in Uwharrie National Forest, you’re in luck. This magnificent forest is home to two horse campsites: the esteemed Canebrake Horse Camp and the renowned Badin Horse Camp.

You’ll also find an overflow campsite located in close proximity to Canebreak, although it may not possess the same level of amenities. If you wish to ensure that horseback riding is permitted on the trails, it is recommended to stick to the Badin Lake trails.

Fishing and Hunting

Prepare yourself for an angler’s and hunter’s paradise within the expanse of Uwharrie National Forest. Both fishing and hunting are permitted activities, but it is imperative to obtain the required licenses for each endeavor.

It is advisable to bring your own fishing gear to avoid the need to purchase supplies at the local and esteemed Eldorado Outpost general store.

While hunting gear might be available at the general store, there is no guarantee that it will meet your personal preferences. Your best course of action is to bring your own arsenal.

Recreational Shooting

Delve into the exciting world of recreational shooting during your Uwharrie National Forest camping expedition.

For pistol and rifle enthusiasts alike, the Flintlock Valley Shooting Range presents an ideal setting. Whether you are honing your marksmanship skills or simply embracing the art of shooting without the intention of hunting, this range offers a superb ambience.

Remember to equip yourself with protective ear and eye gear and bring your own shooting targets. Only cardboard and paper targets are permissible.

In order to shoot at the range, a permit must be obtained. These permits cannot be acquired online and should be purchased prior to arrival. To obtain a permit, visit either the Uwharrie National Forest Office, the Troy Welcome Center, or the Eldorado Outpost.

Access to the shooting range can be paid for on a daily basis, or alternatively, a year-long pass may be purchased if you plan on frequent visits throughout the year. However, this option is only cost-effective if you intend to visit the range six or more times annually.

uwharrie national forest camping


Plant Life

When the topic of endangered species arises, we commonly direct our attention to the animal kingdom; however, it is important to acknowledge that plant species can also face endangerment. Uwharrie National Forest proudly harbors the enchanting Schweinitz’s sunflower, an endangered floral marvel.

These remarkable flowers are predominantly observed adorning the road edges, and upon discovery, they are handled with the utmost care and relocated to safer havens. If you are fortunate enough to behold these rare blossoms, it is crucial to give them a wide berth. Under no circumstances should any of these blooms be plucked.


One creature that should definitely be on your radar when camping in Uwharrie National Forest is the black bear. Lately, there has been an increase in encounters with black bears in North Carolina’s national forests, so it is crucial to always prioritize bear safety, especially when camping away from established campgrounds.

One effective way to ensure bear safety is to invest in containers specifically designed to store food securely in bear-proof enclosures. Although Uwharrie may not have the highest bear population among North Carolina’s forests, it is still necessary to remain vigilant.


Another intriguing aspect of your Uwharrie National Forest camping trip is the possibility of spotting Bigfoot!

Now, before you get too carried away, let’s be clear that this is not a serious claim. However, there was a horror film released in 2012 called “Uwharrie” that playfully suggested this national forest was home to the elusive hairy creature. If you are a fan of found-footage horror with a touch of suspense, you might consider bringing this movie along to enhance your trip… if you dare.

Setting jokes aside, there have been numerous reports of Bigfoot sightings in this particular forest. Whether it’s Bigfoot or simply a large black bear, well, that is something you can personally explore and uncover!


When camping in Uwharrie National Forest, you can expect to encounter an array of fish such as largemouth and smallmouth bass, catfish, and various other species that will eagerly bite your fishing line!

uwharrie national forest camping

Essential Items to Bring

Before embarking on your camping adventure in Uwharrie National Forest, make sure to pack the following items:

  • Fishing and hunting equipment
  • Sunscreen
  • Bear-proof containers for storing food, especially if you plan to camp or hike along the Appalachian Trail
  • All necessary permits and licenses
  • Insect repellent
  • Cardboard or paper targets if you intend to participate in recreational shooting, along with protective shooting glasses. For example, you can consider purchasing shooting safety glasses from this link, and ear protection such as these ear protectors.
  • Durable and comfortable hiking boots
  • Additional blankets if camping during the fall or winter

    Heading to Uwharrie!

    Whether you’re in search of your next beloved trek or endeavoring to substantiate the existence of a particular mythical creature, Uwharrie National Forest camping promises an unparalleled escapade!

    If you’re interested in expanding your camping itinerary to encompass additional national forests, we invite you to peruse our selection of comprehensive camping guides for national forests.

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